Process and Behind the scenes - San Francisco, CA

Set Design, Fabrication, Prop Styling & Build for No. 3’s in-house design collection — The Future Fine.



Amazing what we can create when clients respect and value the time and process needed to design, plan, prep, and build sets for the photoshoots.


Take a peak into my studio-turned-workshop during prep time with a few snaps of my amazing team hard at work!

Some real-life workstation situation during ideation, testing, prop build, and prep where no “styling” is happening at all. Lots of planning and problem solving.

Chaos is my darling friend during this stage. #embracingchaos #thisisreallife #creativitythriveshere


Taking inspiration from architectural and industrial materials with some symmetry, texture, and proportion play.

Straight lines, arches, curves and geometrical shapes compliment the product (diamond cuts).


materials, texture, and scale exploration


3D digital planning of the sets to finalize shapes and then cutting cardboard patterns to test for scale before custom cutting and production.

Powered by lots of Mint Mojitos.


Testing all the custom-cut shapes to see if we have enough while also playing around and having fun with this mini-world!


air pods for scale


and then painting:


Disclaimer: Not all projects are the same. Some require more custom work, some don’t. Hence the prep time is different for each creative!


All props prepped and ready!


Photoshoot day! #behindthescenes

Photography by Cody Ras

Client and Photo Art Direction by Jenny Seager and No. 3 team (my favorite people!!)


and for the edited photos….

Guided by the past, modeled by the present, created for your future.
— - The Future Fine

"My fear going forward is we forget what a good idea truly is, and worse still, we forget what it takes to come up with them."

— Tony Cullingham, BBH London